(Luath Press, £9.99)
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ISBN: 9781906307448

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Whisky – the water of life, perhaps Scotland’s best known contribution to humanity
Muse – goddess of creative endeavour
The Whisky Muse – the spark of inspiration to many of Scotland’s great poets and songwriters.
This book is a collection of the best poems and songs, both old and new, on the subject of that great Scottish love, whisky.

Brought together by Robin Laing and based on his one-man show The Angel’s Share, it combines two of his passions – folk song and whisky. Each poem and song is accompanied by fascinating additional information, and the book is full of interesting tit-bits on the process of whisky making. Reflected in these poems and songs are the pleasures (and medicinal benefits) of imbibing this most beloved of spirits as well as the unfortunate consequences of overindulgence, the centuries of religious disapproval, the temperance movement and the exciseman. The stories told here are lubricated by warmth and companionship, best enjoyed with dram in hand. Slainte.


…necessary reading for anyone interested in whisky and song. It encapsulates Scottish folk culture and the very spirit of Scotland.
Charles McLean, Editor at Large, Whisky Magazine

This book is a wonderful collection of poems, stories and songs related to Scotch Whisky! Robin Laing is known as the Whisky Bard of Scotland and, according to information in the book, in 1995 he created a one man show called “The Angel’s Share” which was focused on traditional folk songs with a whisky theme. He also joined forces with Jim Malcolm for another show at the Edinburgh International Festival Fringe called “Whisky, Women and Song”. After working on these projects, he had collected a huge amount of songs, stories and poems about whisky, many of which he has published in this book. He has two other books about whisky, as well as 4 CD’s devoted to this theme. Two of the CD’s, “The Angel’s Share” and “Water of Life”, feature songs found in this book. The book is also illustrated with very original and unique cartoon drawings by Bob Dewar, a famous Scottish illustrator who does not mention whether he is related to the famous Dewar’s Scotch or not. The thing I love best about this book is that it has a little commentary about each poem and song and, as I am totally enamoured with Robin’s music, gives me a clear lyrical guide to learn to sing along. I have learned to pronounce “Bruichladdich” correctly, and can say “it’s a braw, bricht, moonlicht nicht” and know what I mean! This book has a glossary to help you with unfamiliar “Scottish English” and also contains sheet music for the tunes! It is a treasure trove of traditional Scottish folk songs pertaining to whisky, and any lover of Single Malt Scotch Whisky should own a copy and enjoy it while sipping a dram!
Catherine Sikora, USA

All Robin Laing Books